As we enter into this winter season, we would like to make sure everyone is on the same
page with how we communicate weather announcements for Ogallala Public Schools.
1) ROBO Call via Ogallala Public Schools student information system: This is an
automated call, or pre-recorded call, that will go out to all parents that have
correct contact information updated in our Infinite Campus system. If you are
unsure if your contact information is up to date, please contact the school.
2) Facebook & Twitter: If you are looking for updates, please also check our
Facebook and Twitter pages. You can follow our Twitter account @OGindians or
our Facebook page, Ogallala Public Schools.
3) Our website:
Frequently asked questions:
1) How do you decide if there is going to be a late start, early release or no
We communicate with local meteorologists, road crews, and maintenance employees
before making a decision to postpone or cancel school.
2) When will we know if school is going to be postponed or canceled?
In most circumstances, Ogallala Public Schools will try to communicate the night before
by 9:00 pm. As we all know, weather is difficult to predict, so there may be times where it
is necessary for school to be canceled or postponed early in the morning, but we will do
our best to avoid late notices.
3) What if my child is late, or I do not want to risk the drive on bad weather
We want everyone to be safe traveling to school. If your child is late coming to school on
inclement weather days, your child will not be counted tardy or absent. We ask that you
help by calling to inform the school if your child will be tardy or absent due to the
inclement weather; students will be allowed adequate time to make up their work.
4) What does the weather look like tomorrow?
Local meteorologists have predicted a snow band that will run through Ogallala with the
accumulation of 3-5 inches of snow. Right now, meteorologists predict the roads to be
slushy due to previous warmer weather. There is not a wind concern with the upcoming
inclement weather. Please be safe and plan your morning to account for extra time to
travel. If something changes between now and then, we will update you via the platforms
above. As of right now, school will run as normal.
We hope this information is helpful for you and your family as we enter into the winter

Winter Weather Communication
November 4, 2021