2016 Teacher of the Year

2016 Teacher of the Year

Jennifer Bekke may have one of the most difficult jobs at Ogallala High School. Ms. Bekke works with the at risk/behavior students to keep them in school and eventually graduate. She joined the Ogallala staff 4 years ago and has been instrumental in increasing the graduation rate of students in this category. Ms. Bekke has to be knowledgeable about all subject content at the high school level from mathematics, to science to social studies to language arts at four grade levels. Her job is similar to the long ago one room school houses where the teacher taught several grade levels in all subject areas. Teaching is just a portion of her workload. Ms. Bekke is also the case manage for several students ensuring that all of their educational needs are being met by following through with programs outlined in individual education plans. This requires meetings with students, parents and staff often at hours before or after regular school hours. Ms. Bekke is also available to assist students with classroom work during these before and after hours so the students can participate in extra curricular activities. Ms. Bekke is an individual who daily goes above and beyond contract requirements to ensure the 'at risk' population at Ogallala Public School is successful. In many eyes she is a miracle worker!